
(c) 1996-2008, PetRescue.Com
With apologies to Cleveland
Amory, this is the story of Mingo, our very own "Cat Who Came For
Christmas." It was Christmas Eve, 1993. I was driving home after
doing some last minute shopping. Exhausted and laden with parcels, I was
anxious to get home. I stopped at a gas station and noticed a tiny dark
figure in the shadows by the pumps. It was an under-nourished little black
cat whom life had obviously not treated well. I saw a massive wound on his
side that greatly alarmed me. As there were no houses in the area, it was
obvious that the poor little guy was homeless and alone. Judging by his
condition, I knew that he would not last much longer fending for himself.
I tried to approach him but he ran off and hid behind a large metal
shoeshine stand outside some closed stores. I wedged my head inside the
back of the hollow stand. All I could see in the pitch black were two
huge, fear-filled golden eyes. Since he was too frightened to respond to
me, I decided to change tactics. I went back to the car and got a carrier
and some food (which I always bring with me for these occasions). I
managed, with a great deal of effort, to slide the huge shoeshine stand
far enough away from the wall to put the carrier behind it. I placed the
food into the back of the carrier, wedged my body in behind it and waited.
Here I was, in the middle of the night, at
a deserted strip mall, on Christmas Eve, lying on the ground behind a
shoeshine stand trying to catch a cat. Picture that if you will, and
imagine my husband’s reaction if he had known at the time! But it was
just another typical day in the life of an animal rescuer! It took about
30 minutes for hunger to finally overcome Mingo’s fear and he slowly
approached the carrier. After giving him time to relax and eat, I quietly
closed the door behind him. I was absolutely elated with my very precious
Christmas gift!
Mingo had obviously been somebody’s pet
because he was not afraid of me once he was in the carrier. The truth of
the matter is, the term "stray" is very misused. A more correct
term would be "abandoned". The word "stray" implies
that the animal has wandered by choice and most often, as with Mingo, that
is sadly not the case.
The wound on Mingo’s side was a long
neglected abscess which had eaten through the muscle wall and required
extensive surgery to repair. He went through a lengthy recuperation
period. Apart from suffering from allergies, he is now in excellent
Mingo is one of the most delightful cats
you will ever come across. He is loving, affectionate and so thrilled just
to belong! Each time we have a visitor to the sanctuary, he desperately
tries to get their attention but he never gets picked. That’s ok! We
love him and we are happy to have given him the gift of life for which he
rewards us so richly every day. So our Christmas story
has a happy ending. Mingo got to spend that Christmas Eve, and every
Christmas Eve since then, in a warm, loving environment where he never has
to be afraid again. He is our real, true-life "Cat Who Came For
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