
(c) 1996-2008, PetRescue.Com
Lester is a gorgeous Maine Coon-mix tabby cat. We are not sure what
the mix is, but judging by his beautiful, large, gold eyes, we suspect
there might be Persian in him somewhere. His stubbornness might also be
another clue!
He came to us Christmas 1994 - and what a
Christmas present he was! He had been abandoned in October behind a
shopping center, where a colony of feral cats that are taken care of by
our organization is located. As is usual in these situations, the terror
of being abandoned overrides all other emotions, and he would not allow
us to come near him. Most of the time, he would not even show himself
until we were leaving. We just wish that people could see the results of
their unkind acts. Perhaps then, they may think twice before callously
discarding a trusting pet to an uncertain future.
As time went by, he became more used to
our presence but it was obvious that we would be unable to catch him. As
he was wreaking havoc within the colony by fighting with all the other
cats, we decided it would be better to remove him rather than catch and
re-release him after being fixed, vaccinated, and tested. We quarantined
him for two weeks and then introduced him to the general population.
That was quite an experience! He immediately proceeded to become the
neighborhood bully and establish his position in the pecking order.
Thankfully, this teenage phase did not last very long. Once he realized
that he was safe and that meals came on a regular basis, he let down his
guard and learned to tolerate the other cats. Nowadays, he does fine but
when the moon is full, he still goes into his "bully mode"
just to let everyone know that he is a force to reckon with! Although
Lester has mellowed with age and can be very affectionate with us, his
suspicion of strangers and his reluctance to remain indoors has not made
him a good candidate for adoption. We decided that it would be in his best
interests to remain here with us where he is well loved and happy.
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