
(c) 1996-2008, PetRescue.Com
Gizzie was rescued in 1991. We
were on our way to see a veterinary specialist with one of our dogs when
we passed her on an extremely busy road. We immediately pulled over and
called her to us. We estimated that she was about one year old. Her body
was covered in sores and she was a moving mass of fleas. She was hungry,
frightened and horribly underweight. She was also wearing a chain collar
with a piece of frayed rope attached to it which she had obviously
outgrown. It was so tight, it had become embedded into her neck. Just
when you think you cannot possibly see anything worse than you’ve
already seen in rescue, along comes a Gizzie to prove you wrong!
Judging by her demeanor, we
guessed that she had been abused. She was very timid and she would cower
if you raised your voice, picked up a broom or moved too fast. She had
obviously learned the art of ducking blows! We can vividly remember the
very first time we gave her a squeaky dog toy to play with. She sniffed
at it with interest and then she curiously poked at it with her nose.
Suddenly it squeaked and scared the living daylights out of her! She
jumped up in absolute fear and ran to hide behind a chair. It was so
very sad to see this sweet little girl react in sheer terror to
something that should have given her pleasure.
It took us several months to get
her healthy, both physically and mentally. At that point, we put her up
for adoption. Lots of people came to see her but the general consensus
was that she just wasn’t cute enough. We couldn’t quite believe it -
we certainly thought she was cute enough! However, as more and more time
passed by, we still weren’t able to find anyone interested in adopting
her. Sadly, she was always passed over. We also realized that she was
becoming increasingly attached to us. This can be a problem with
traumatized dogs. You work hard to get them to let down their guard and
allow themselves to trust again. However, in certain situations you
become too successful. Some of the more badly abused dogs bond so much
with their caregivers that you reach a point where it is truly not in
their best interest to uproot them from the only secure environment they
have ever known. We felt that this was the case with Gizzie. It was
therefore decided that she should remain here with us where she felt
safe and where she felt peace for the very first time in her life.
Gizzie is a
true delight. She currently maintains a hectic lifestyle! As head of our
official welcoming committee, she greets everybody who visits with
tremendous enthusiasm, regardless of whether they have two legs or four!
She welcomes any and all new animals and makes them immediately feel at
ease. She lets them know how great it is to be in a place where they will
get so much love and where they will always be safe. In her spare time,
Gizzie also volunteers at local nursing homes, where she is a great hit.
She is our "PetRescue.Com Poster Puppy". She truly exemplifies everything
that is wonderful in a pet and shows us why they are so deserving of the
very best from their human companions!
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