How to Eliminate Ear Mites
Copyright © 1996-2008, PetRescue.Com
Ear Mite Signs
Your pet scratches its ears a lot and shakes its
Your pet starts to scratch when you gently rub its
ear flap against its ear.
Your pet has reddish-brown or black waxy buildup
inside its ears. Use a bright light to inspect.
Check for Ear Infection:
If your pet's ears have a strong rancid, rotten,
or yeasty smell, it probably has an ear infection. Veterinary care
is necessary to treat this condition.
Most likely your vet will treat your pet's ear
infection with a prescription medicine called Panalog®. A benefit
to this, we have found, is that Panalog® also eliminates ear
Treat Ear Mites
In our opinion, Ivomec® (Ivermectin) is the most
effective treatment to date. It is now commonly used by a number
of veterinarians in the U.S. for the treatment of ear mites in
cats and dogs. This is the same prescription medicine used in
monthly heartworm preventative tablets for cats and dogs and
requires that you take your pet to the vet for treatment.
There are two methods of application -
by injection or topically in the ear canals.
It has been our experience that this is absolutely
the most effective method of eliminating an ear mite infestation
in a large group of animals.
If your veterinarian is unfamiliar with the latest
medical literature that states the safe formulations and dosages
of Ivermectin to use for this purpose, we strongly recommend that
you avoid this method of treatment! The correct
dosages are extremely small (micrograms) and do not correlate in
any way to proportional dosages used in cattle.
Ivermectin is not FDA
approved for the treatment of ear mites in cats and dogs at this
time. Your vet should inform you of this fact before proceeding.
Ear Mites are transmitted from pet to pet and
sometimes are found loose in the environment. Treat all of your
pets at the same time to make sure you have eliminated all of the
ear mites.
Keep your pet and its environment treated for
fleas. This also kills any ear mites that might be around to
re-infect your pet.
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